worksheets, Zauberei

We’ve created a few resources for you to get a deeper understanding of your card set. For waste’s sake we  offer these worksheets as PDFs.
If you consider printing our posters, we recommend colour print DIN A3 or DIN A2 at a copyshop. It’s worth it.

If you purchased the Black Edition Card Set you’re already familiar with the Rainbow Circle Poster. It shows the heart of the Conscious Cycle system and helps getting an overview of all seasons and cycles.

To get a grip on the four seasons we developed a Season Checker Poster. It guides you step by step from an overall mood to a more specific energetic state you’re in. Once you discovered your energetic state, you know which season cards of the card set to use.

Want some more laying techniques? We collected some on our Spreads Poster. These laying techniques are for one person. We’re working on a second poster with group games.

Our first prototype of the Black Edition card set came with a bespoke Booklet. Although we decided to release the card sets with shorter introductions, we offer the longer booklet here for those, who are interested in the philosophical and socio-political ideas as to why we created this kit. 

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